KGH Equipment Chilliwack


Our story

About KGH Equipment

KGH Equipment is a team of highly experienced professionals, focused on meeting all our client’s needs. Our team relishes tackling any project big or small, utilizing the latest and greatest technology to complete jobs in a fraction of the time, all without sacrificing quality or site safety. Our heavy-duty machinery is equipped with the most up to date technology to ensure quality service. We strive to build a strong level of trust, delivering start to finish service, with a big focus on communication and professionalism. We take great pride in the quality of our work and in the relationships we build with all of our clients. 


Our deep level of care for our customer’s also extends to others around the world. Heavily involved with Westbow Gives Back, our team cares passionately about those less fortunate than ourselves, striving to help provide food and education for those in need. 

About the general mAnager

Marty Romeyn was born and raised in Chilliwack, BC. After helping run his uncle’s dairy farm for 7 years, Marty started his own excavation company, which he ran for 10 years. In 2012, Marty started his own dairy farm, which he still currently operates.

While working for his brother, Marty was approached by Westbow Construction with a job offer. Marty took the job with Westbow Construction, working on infrastructure and development. At the time, there was only one excavator and two landscapers. As Marty’s team grew alongside the company he began diversifying, starting to work on road construction and civil work. In 2020, Marty stepped into his official role as the General Manager of KGH Equipment.

Marty now runs KGH Equipment, supporting managers with issues and solutions, focusing on growth, and maintaining the company’s culture. His twin sons Kyle and Josh also work for KGH, along with his stepson Cody. Out of all Marty’s job responsibilities, his team and culture are the most important to him. 


We work hard, we work smart.

We work hard and are not afraid to put in additional time or effort to keep our commitments.

We act intentionally and take time to create deliberate strategies and well thought through plans before we execute.

We build, lasting value.

We invest in people and help them grow.

We make decisions based on what our customers find important.

We think and invest long term. 

We are creative and innovative.

We are not afraid to approach the same old problems in brand new ways.

We accept that breaking new ground will lead to failures.

We grow through our mistakes to ensure they’re not repeated. 

We have fun.

We celebrate our wins and each other.

We make work fun and we laugh often. 

We act with integrity.

We are people of character and keep our commitments.

We are genuine, transparent, and take ownership because we understand building trust is building our future. 

We care.

We take opportunities to leverage our skills and help those in need.

We listen to our customers and empathize with their perspectives.

We think and act like owners.